Web 2.0 Tools - Although the internet has always been a tool for collaboration, it is only recently that software has allowed individuals to use it as a platform for true collaborative activities. Web 2.0 tools allow individuals to share experiences and cooperate more easily.
Web 2.0 is about users and content instead of just surfing on the Internet. It's about what the web can do for an active participant, rather than a passive viewer.
Web 2.0 Technologies Web 2.0 technologies are changing the way messages spread across the web. A number of online tools and platforms are now defining how people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences. Web 2.0 tools like blogs, RSS, video casting, social book marking, social networking, podcasts, and picture sharing sites are becoming more and more popular. One major benefit of Web 2.0 tools is that the majority of them are free.
There are a large number of Web 2.0 tools, some of the most popular ones are: Blogger, Wordpress, Myspace, Youtube, Metacafe, Del.icio.us, Digg, Furl, Twitter and Flickr.
Using Web 2.0 Tools Many people will have already used some of these Web 2.0 tools, and a good way to explain the concept of Web 2.0 tools is to look at an example of how they would be used:
Podcasting If an individual was interested in video games, they might earch a podcast submission site (like Podcast.net) and download an audio review of a game to listen to on their computer. A Podcast is syndicated audio, or video produced by traditional media such as radio and television or by individuals passionate about a particular topic.
Blogs And Blogging They may then decide to comment about this audio review on their Blogger or Wordpress blog. A blog or Weblog, is a chronological, online daily log. Individuals can subscribe to a person's blog, which allows them to read it and to write comments in response to blog posts.
RSS If this blog has an RSS feed set up on it, any subscribers to this weblog can choose to be automatically notified of this new blog post. RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a method for delivering regularly changing web content. Many blogs and Internet publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to allow people to subscribe to it easily.
Social Book Marking This individual may decide that they would like more people to be able to see and comment on this blog post. They could do this by submitting the blog post to a social book marking site like Digg. Social book marking sites are web sites that allow joint lists of user-created Internet bookmarks to be displayed, and commented on. Social book marking sites allow you to classify your bookmarks by allocating a number of 'tags' to them. This makes it easy for other people who may be interested in this category to find associated bookmarks. If the tag 'games reviews' was added to this bookmark, then people searching the bookmark web site for 'games reviews' information could easily find it.
Social Networking People who search the bookmark site for this 'games review' tag are likely to see your bookmark. As more people visit your bookmark and comment on it, you will find yourself part of a collection of individuals who have a common interest in video games - You are now 'social networking' and this is why some social bookmark sites like Del.icio.us are also classed as social networking sites.
I hope this brief article has given you a better idea of Web 2.0 tools, what they are, and how they can be used.
Web 2.0 Tools
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