Search Engine Optimization SEO Top 10 Tips To Top Google - Search Engine Optimization SEO Top 10 Tips To Top Google
Search Engine Optimization services which are also known as SEO are needed to perform well in the search engines. More importantly finding a google search engine optimization services company is needed to rank in the most popular search engine itself. When trying to grab that top place, you need to focus on several factors. This article is composed of methodologies that are widely accepted by SEO professionals. These are arranged from most to least important from my personal, yet educated opinion. This was actually stated by google in their own publications.
Search Engine Optimization Link Popularity Your sites link popularity is the main and most important factor when trying to improve your SEO campaign. You must focus on obtaining inbound links from quality and relevant sites. Several methods are submitting to link directories, reciprocal linking, article distribution, video blogging, forums and social bookmarking.
Using Keywords In The Meta And Title Tags Second on our list is placing your keywords you are trying to obtain top rankings for within your title, description meta tag and keywords meta tag. In google SEO, your title tag only allows 8-9 words within the title tag for their search engine results. So limit yourself to 9 words (use as many as possible) and then move forward.
Time Your Web Site Has Been Indexed Something that the search engines have placed a lot of emphasis on is "sandboxing" new sites on the internet. On average this process takes 3-4 months to get out of. The longer that your site is online the more trusted your site will be to the search engines. Ideally I believe a site is going to benefit most when it has been consistently indexed for 2 years or more.
Anchor Text Of Inbound Links Even if you have a large number of inbound links, they won't do a lot of good if they aren't linked with good anchor text. Anchor text is the actual text that is clickable within the link. Keep links around 3-5 words long. Many search engine optimization experts believe bolding your links will improve rankings as well.
Link Popularity On Sub Pages It is highly believed that sub pages within your web site must have inbound links and popularity for your entire site to succeed (including your home page). Even if you have a successful site right now, it could do even better with inbound links to sub pages.
Relevancy Of Inbound Links Links coming to your web site must be coming from relevant sites with relevant content! This is extremely important.
Link Popularity Of Your Site Compared To Your Competitions This is another seo factor that deems a lot of attention when it comes to google seo tips. You must make sure that you have comparable link popularity to your competition for certain key terms. Without comparable link popularity you simply won't succeed as much as you want to.
Keyword Use In Your Pages Content You must use your top key terms within the content of your web site. Certain key phrases can show tremendous growth by having the exact phrase within the content of your site itself. Google loves unique content and google loves relevancy.
How Popular Are The Sites That Are Linking To You - Are They Relevant? Quality inbound links should come from recognized or semi popular to popular sites. These sites must also have similar content to your topic. If they come up high under your key terms, they are a great site. You should try to obtain links from these web sites.
Using Good Tools To Help With Search Engine Optimization or SEO? You must perform research of key terms. I use google's keyword tool personally, however there are many out there. Also I recommend using SEO programs to analyze your competition.
Search Engine Optimization SEO Top 10 Tips To Top Google
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