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Get the most out of your hypertext links - We all know the importance of links when it comes to strengthening your website in the search engines; however it can be more difficult knowing how to get the most out of your links. It’s not just that you have to get on topic relevant links form other websites .You also have to make sure your internal linking structure is up to scratch. Below I will discuss a few onsite and offsite strategies you can put into place to help strengthen your website. Let’s start with the things you can do to help your website internally.


Let’s begin with the most obvious one you may have already implemented it. Sitemap, a sitemap is HTML page within your website that contains all your other webpage’s. This will help search engines index your website quicker and can make it easier for visitors to find information they may be looking for. A way to help Google index your website further would be to submit a sitemap.xml through Google’s webmasters services. One other good strategy would be to make sure all your pages are properly interlinked with each other, using your keyphrases as anchor text. Now these few things should help strengthen your website, now let’s move onto offsite factors.


Getting quality back links are essential in a successful SEO campaign. I could write a whole article just covering the basics; however I will discuss the most essential strategies here. The best links come naturally but it can be difficult sometimes to get people to naturally link to you, more on that in future articles. The best kinds of links to get are ones that are related to your industry from good page ranked pages. I don’t often mention PageRank but this is one of the few times it matters.

You also need to look at how many external links there is on that page as the more there is the less of the PageRank will be transferred to your page. If there is more than one hundred links on the page then I would forget it as Google prefers there to be less than one hundred links on one page.
Get the most out of your hypertext links
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