Alternative Wealth Generation Methods For Marketers & Online Entrepreneurs - Today. I’m going to steer well away from the normal topics I tend to write about. No internet or niche marketing, no rights or traffic generation techniques. We’re going to discuss something more primitive – “How To Have All The Wealth You Want”.
Before I start, I should mention that (a) my official education up to university level has been in the field of finance, investment & business and (b) I had spent about seven years of my professional life applying it within one of the biggest investment banks in the world prior to starting my own business.
Hope I don’t sound pompous…I say this only because you need to know you’re not taking advice from a clueless buffoon (there’s quite a few out there running ezines you know).
If you really want to acquire wealth – serious wealth that means you can go where you want, when you want, with who-ever you want, and for however long – you must first understand the following rules. Believe me, it took me a long time to understand them, and the sooner you “get it”, the bigger your bank balance and the fancier your holidays will be.
1. Money? It’s Just A Concept – And You Can Have As Much Of It As You Want.
First, understand that wealth is just a concept.. People seem to view money as a sort of god. They worship it. Respect it. Even feel they are not worthy – in actual fact, the “rich” understand that wealth is a concept. It can be “created” out of thin air.
2. Want Wealth? You Must Own Your Own Business.
I suspect you know this already. Without exception, the richest people in the world OWN businesses – they don’t work for them. The rich control assets – buildings, businesses…and these days, influential websites. If you’re reading this as an employee of a company – understand that the system is stacked up AGAINST you to own serious wealth. As an employee you’re just a cog in a machine that’s designed to create wealth for someone else (the owners/shareholders of the business you toil for). You really must devise a plan to escape the rat race and start your own business. That doesn’t mean going in to work on Monday morning, giving your boss a clip around the ear and handing him your resignation. Not at all (though if you do, be sure to post it on you tube).. It means developing a personal plan that generates extra income that grows till you can take that step and work for yourself full time.
There’s an old saying that I believe to be apt for all employees – the problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still just a rat.
3. Know What “Wealth” Is For You
My idea of wealth is different from yours. Bill Gates has a different idea from both of us. You must know what wealth is for you. Is it to have enough money to pay the bills, or more? I would hope the latter. You must identify a target – write it down – because unless you know where the target is, you’re probably going to miss.
4. Be Motivated For Wealth
Motivation is seriously under-rated. It comes into it’s own when the going gets tough (and if you have a right old go at becoming wealthy, believe me they WILL get tough). When you know what you’re doing the grit for, you’ll pull through. Think about what matters to you – is it family? Charity? Or do you just want to party on a beach in the Caribbean and pull pretty girls (or guys)?
There’s no right or wrong answer – just know why you’re doing it for, it really helps.
These are some of the things that are in my personal wealth diary. Next, I want to talk a little about some of the actual steps you can take to secure your financial well being.
5. Be Financially Literate
It’s actually shocking, but schools barely prepare young minds with the knowledge and skills required to build personal wealth. Looking back during my own education, I dread to think where I would be today, financially, had I relied on what I picked up there. Probably behind the counter at a Burger King.
It’s really important to arm yourself with an understanding and knowledge of how money, wealth and such things work. You must understand how to read a balance sheet. You must be able to understand a stocks movement. You must be able to identify trends in the financial marketplace – be it stocks, bonds, real estate or one of the many financial investments you may not even know exists.
On that note, the more literate you become, the more investment ideas you’ll unearth. There are thousands of different investment types that the average joe on the street is clueless about. Some of these are very powerful.
For instance did you know that you can invest in a paid parking lot for a few hundred bucks? And you get dividends on the parking proceeds, plus capital gains on the land year after year. This is just something that springs to my mind – I’m not advocating it, just letting you know that there are wealth generation ideas to suit every style and budget of investor. But unless you educate yourself, it’s all passing you by.
6. Be Very Aware Of Fear And Greed
Fear and greed are the two basic emotions that drive markets. They can equally make you very wealthy, or crush your assets into a powdery dust. You must be able to work them (and even today, with years of experience and training under my belt, I find this a challenge)
Some of the marketing guru’s are true masters of manipulating these virtues. In fact, see any well crafted sales letter and you’ll see, in between the lines, they’re using the emotions of fear and greed to get you to pull the trigger. Your business will die if you don’t buy my “ultra bultra automatic red button traffic generation software” they’ll bleat. And most people will fall for it, because it’s a psychological trap that we’re all programmed to succumb to.
Fear and greed dominates every aspect of our world – including our ability to generate and grow our fortunes. Look out for it.
7. Which Wealth Building Investments? That Changes From Day To Week To Year…
Ten years ago, real estate investment in the Docklands (Canary Wharf) was such a no brainer. With investment banks moving into this area in droves, and a plethora of bistro’s, shops and malls springing up, real estate prices doubled and trebled promptly. Today, that boom has levelled so it no longer is the same investment it was.
My point here is that there is no “one size fits all” investment that always works. However, there are usually bargains to be had in any and every environment. Today, one of the biggest bargains around is setting up an e-business using skilled labour with outsourcing from fast-growing countries like India. We’ve discussed this at length in the past so I wont go back to it, but it’s a real area to look in to.
There’s a lot more – real estate in some regions remains a fairly sure bet. Stock markets are jittery, but if you take a five to ten year stance there are companies out there that could hand you an early retirement. You just need to know how to find them, and again that all boils down to education. I’ve made spectacular gains in the markets, and it’s all because I know how to read a company’s financial statement plus make a few key investor calculations. If you can run an e-business, you can certainly do this too.
Alternative Wealth Generation Methods For Marketers & Online Entrepreneurs
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