5 Simple Ways to Get Free Network Marketing Leads - Are the names of people you want to introduce to your network marketing opportunity decreasing? Or are you still doing cold-callings to strangers who are not the least bit interested in what you have to offer? Then, this means that you are approaching your business the wrong way.
With the improvement of technology and increasing usage of the internet all around the world, you can get loads of free network marketing leads by using the internet. Some of the techniques are so simple that even a kid can do it.
Here are 5 ways you can generate network marketing leads on the internet for free.
1. Article Marketing
You might have heard of it a lot of times but article marketing does work and it still is. You write an article on the topic of network marketing or something about your product and then submit them to article directories like Ezine Articles. Once your articles are published, you will get people reading your articles and going to your website to check your offer or for more information.
The good thing about article marketing is that you do it once and the articles stay there forever which means you will get a constant flow of visitors. It also gives you a permanent backlink to your website which will increase your rankings on the search engines and so more exposure to potential leads.
2. Blogging
Blogging is one of the easiest way to generate free network marketing leads on the internet. You can easily setup a blog for free on Blogger.com or Wordpress.com and then post quality information about network marketing on your blog. Major search engines like Google loves blogs so if you post information frequently, you might see a stream of search engine visitors to your blogs.
Blogs can also become immensely popular at a very short time because you can easily get people to spread the news via word-of-mouth. The reason is that you can add your personal touch and recommendation on blogs which make it more personal as compared to a sales letter or flyers. You can also brand yourself as an expert and be regarded as an authority on your subject matter by blogging.
3. Creating and Spreading eBooks
Creating and spreading your ebooks is one way of getting more exposure of you network marketing opportunity to potential partners. You write a short ebook or report on network marketing and remember to include recommended links to your network marketing opportunity. Once you have done this, give it away and also allow them to give it away to their friends or subscribers. This will make your ebook go viral and spread like wildfire around the internet. Increase exposure equals to increase network marketing leads.
If you don't want to write an ebook from scratch, you can use PLR (Private Label Rights) content. Just rewrite it to make it unique to you and then give it away. You can even outsource the writing or rewriting of ebooks to ghostwriters if you don't have the time or the flair to write.
4. Building a Mailing List
Some people will not be instantly attracted to the opportunity that you offer. It is like asking someone to marry you on the first date. It doesn't happen that way. You have to build a relationship with your subscribers or your leads first. In order to build a relationship, you will need to build a mailing list. You give out free quality and valuable information to your list and after a while your list will trust and like you because you keep giving them valuable information. Once they like and trust you, they would not say "no" to any opportunity that you offer them.
Another advantage of building your own mailing list is because that if lets say the network marketing company that you are working for goes bankrupt, you won't have to worry because you still have your list with you. You can just find another good company and recommend it to your list. You will instantly build your downline again and get recurring profits.
5. Social Networking
Nowadays there are a lot of social networking sites coming up. Examples are MySpace, Facebook and Friendster. These social networking sites has millions of people visiting them everyday and if we can tap on these sites, we will be generating tons of free network marketing leads. Sign up to these social networking sites, it is free. Make friends with people in there, the more friends the better. Now that you have a lot of friends, post quality content in there. You can post the same content as your blog post and put a link for them to come to your blog to read more.
When you do this consistently, people see you as an expert in your niche. So when you have an opportunity to offer, a lot of people will join you because they see you as an authority and an expert. People tend to follow others whom they think is successful.
At the end of the day, people tend to overlook these simple methods and try to go their own way trying out the latest tricks and techniques. These 5 simple methods may take a while to take effect but without a doubt it works. You just have to be consistent in implementing the techniques and you will see the results.
5 Simple Ways to Get Free Network Marketing Leads
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