7 Top Mistakes Internet Marketers Make When Promoting Their Sites - First of all, what is USENET? It is a world-wide distributed Internet discussion system where users read and post public messages to newsgroups. USENET is similar to bulletin board systems and is one of the compulsory elements to online forums. This is a very attractive place for gaining a large traffic. However, this is not permitted as it is operated based on a non-commercialized basis. There are different types of USENET abuse.
- Pyramid-selling schemes- this includes 'make money fast' and chain letters. You add your name to a list and send the message to a large number of recipients. Usually, to promote this type of abuse, financial reward is offered. However, this does not work in reality.
- Advertising- it is inappropriate to advertise your products in USENET because it is a non-commercialized system. You can of course reply the questions posted with your own solutions and casually mention your website.
- Excessive posting- most search engines and directories will classify this as a spam act. Some people have been posting multiple copies of a same website to a large number of newsgroups. The USENET can determine whether a website or article has multiple copies existing using the Breidbart Index (BI). This is a tool to measure the breadth of any multiple posting, cross-posting or combination of the two. It calculates the sum of the square roots of the number of newsgroup a website has been posted to. If the number reaches 20, the posting will be deleted by automatic systems.
- Binary articles in non-binary newsgroups- binary articles cannot be read directly by humans, including images, sounds, executable files or encoded text files. These require specific tools in order to be readable. Non-binary articles are in the form of a text and are readable by humans without the need for specific tools.
- Illegal content- it is an abuse to post illegal materials to USENET. Illegal contents include copyrighted material or other legally protected materials.
- Objectionable content- the users have their rights to report postings that they regard as offensive or annoying. Examples may be usage of language or controversial viewpoints.
- Forged headers- this is one type of misleading the recipients to believe that other users or systems are the ones who sent the message. For example, a spam sender may have used Google's name to send a message.
USENET is indeed an ideal place to promote your website, products or services. However, it is advisable not to promote your products so directly as you may be kicked off and put into the black list forever. You can respond to the posts casually and mention your website as casually as possible such as using your website as a reference for your posting ideas.
7 Top Mistakes Internet Marketers Make When Promoting Their Sites
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