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Top 10 Reasons Smart Marketers Use Articles To Boost Traffic, Sales And Profits - If you're like me...

You need a cost-effective, yet powerful advertising solution to not only keep your business moving in this nervous economy, but prosper as well.

Here's the good news. There is a solution, and it's been right here all along. It's called article marketing, and for many years it's been one of the best-kept secrets of the most successful marketers, both online and off.

You see, unlike other forms of advertising, article marketing has stood the test of time. Why? Because it works!

Take a look at the following list and you'll quickly see the undeniable benefits of making article marketing part of your advertising arsenal:

* Article marketing is FREE - Besides being powerfully effective at driving tons of quality traffic to your website, the fact that article marketing is free makes it hands down the best advertising option online.

* There Are No Limits - Not only is article marketing free, powerful and effective, there's literally no limit to the number of articles you can publish. Article marketing is literally 'take-all-you-want'.

* Your Articles Never Stop Working For You - Articles you write today can get published over and over again for months or even years - all without you lifting a finger.

* Your Articles Position You As An Expert - This is where article marketing really shines. Everyone is attracted to an expert, and that is exactly how your readers will see you.

* Articles Create A Sense Of Trust Between You And Your Readers - Trust leads to confidence and confidence leads to profits.

* Lightning Fast Internet Presence - Because article directories are considered "authority sites", it's not unusual to find your articles on the 1st page of Google within 2-4 days of being published.

* Your Articles Can Easily Go "Viral" - Unlike banners or pay-per-click ads, it's a snap for your readers to email, forward, save, print out, or pass along your articles.

* You Can Easily "Recycle" Your Articles - The articles you write can be compiled into a special report, ebook, or newsletter for your visitors and prospects.

* Article Directories Go To Work For You - Online directories make your articles readily available to ezine publishers, websmasters, and bloggers in your niche.

* Instant Email Series - You can stay in front of your prospects and increase conversions by emailing your articles as a follow up series.

Let's face it...

Whether you're an experienced online marketer or a complete internet newbie, it's easy to see that very few advertising methods can hold a candle to the effectiveness, targeting, or low cost of article marketing.

To get step-by-step strategies on how to craft highly effective articles that get results, please visit the website below.
Top 10 Reasons Smart Marketers Use Articles To Boost Traffic, Sales And Profits


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