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Three Easy Ways to Keep Your Website Content Fresh - The Three Easy Ways

Here are three easy ways to keep your content on your actual website fresh and new. If you have any questions regarding the three, feel absolutely free to contact me.
1. Post an article or video on your home page and change it every month.

Rather than letting your home page be this really boring "intro" why not jazz it up with an article or video? Ideally, this would be your own article or video but it doesn't need to be.

Of course, you don't want to display the entire article on the home page unless it is very brief. What you should do instead is post an excerpt of, perhaps the first 250 words, and then link to it on another, separate page of your site. The benefit is three-fold:

1. SEO: You get another page chock full of great content on your site. More relevant pages = search engine friendly site.
2. Reduced bounce rate: You get people to drill-down into your site. Give them a reason to go beyond page one.
3. Talent show: You show what you know right then and there on the front page.

1. Talent show: You show what you know right then and there on the front page.

If you're displaying a video, make sure you don't just display it. Use a header 1 or header 2 tag to introduce the video - perhaps to ask your visitor a question. Then, write 1-2 short paragraphs talking about the subject of the video or why you've put it there, and invite them to watch. Avoid auto-playing the video but if you do, just make sure it doesn't loop.
2. Make sure to host your newsletter archive and article archive on your actual site, not someone else's.

Many of you write a lot of articles, but you don't actually post them on your site. Sometimes it's because you offer that information in a newsletter and you don't want people to read it unless they opt-in.

For a lot of people, that's a good strategy. You will be happy to know that there are ways you can host your newsletters and articles on your site and still get a good opt-in rate.

Before we get into how to do this properly I do want to remind you of how incredibly valuable it is to have a content-rich site. Remember that most of your visitors probably do not have any inclination as to who you are. Why should they fork over money - or even more valuable: a name and an email address - to someone that hasn't proven they know what they say they know?

You can and should put everything that you put out there in your newsletters and in excellent article depots like on your actual website, too.

1. Give each article its own page. Use the name of the article in the URL with hyphens (check out this article's URL for an example).
2. Use proper HTML. Use h1, h2 and h3 properly. If you don't know how, read about it or make sure you hire someone who can do that for you.
3. To increase opt-in rates, put up only a teaser - maybe half of the article, and then let people know that they can read the rest of the article right away as soon as they sign up. This means that you need to have an auto-responder that sends them to your archive.
4. Link to your articles from your blog, in your Author Resource Box when you publish it elsewhere and from within your own website.

3. Keep a running list of something

This running list can be Recommended Reading (even better if you have an Amazon Associates ID), a list of resources (like my articles and resources page) or your favorite something or other. Make sure the page is designed so that this list can be added to or changed easily and frequently. Keep the newest, freshest things at the top, too.

You can highlight one or two of the items in the list with images for visual interest but the rest of the list can just be text with links (always, always, always link these items to where reader can find them or learn more about them).

If you're concerned with keeping people on your website, then add the target="_blank" attribute to the tag when you add the link (example: a href="" target="_blank"). This will open a new window so you don't "lose" anybody (although, in my humble opinion, if they want to get back to your site, they know how to use the Back button). I'm picky and choosy when it comes to using that _blank attribute. Use it wisely.
Three Easy Ways to Keep Your Website Content Fresh

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