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Techniques to Attract a Flood of New Members to Your Membership Site - An excellent way to build a massive list is to create a free membership site, where you give away quality products in exchange for their subscription. However, it is not enough that you create it; the more crucial aspect is in traffic generation. You need to do some heavy promotions so that people can visit your membership site and become members.

Here’s some amazing list building techniques to get an avalanche of potential subscribers to your site.

Put an opt-in form on every webpage. You’ll never know which of your WebPages your visitors will come across, so it’s best to put your opt-in form on all applicable WebPages for maximum exposure. You may either put a non-distractive, benefit-laden opt-in form in the webpage itself; or you may use an exit pop-up.

Get a reliable auto responder or membership site management software. Don’t settle for a free auto responder or membership management software if you’re serious about your business. If you use a low quality free auto responder or software, you might encounter technical problems and defective functions.

You might also have a difficult time asking your present list to re-subscribe again when you transferred to a paid one. Some membership software allows you to import your list, but some paid auto responder services require your present subscribers to confirm their subscription again. With this additional step, you stand to lose many of your present members.

Optimize your site for the search engines. SEO is a broad topic. Basically, putting your targeted keywords in places like the title tags, headings (H1, H2, etc.), domain name, etc. can help boost your search engine rankings for your chosen keywords. Having your keyword in the anchored text linking back to your site would also be a big plus. For more SEO techniques simply search "seo tips" or "seo techniques" in google.

Join giveaways. This is how it works: The organizer and his partners each contribute a product(s) for the giveaway event. Then each of them promotes the giveaway to their individual subscribers. Each contributor gets to leverage from the list of all the other marketers. Every product contribution will therefore get exposure from all the contributors’ subscribers.

Give 100% commissions to your JV partners and affiliates. You might not get immediate profits, but you’ll build a subscriber and customer list; plus, you may set up an OTO or up sell where your JV partners and you get to share in the earnings.

Do ad swaps. Ask other marketers if you can promote their squeeze page to your members in exchange for them promoting yours. Each marketer has the potential to have thousands of subscribers, so you can just imagine how many new members you can get if you’re able to invite just a few of them.

You can still do an ad swap even if your number of members might not be equal to the other marketers’. For example, if he has around 4000 subscribers and you only got around 2000, you can promote his squeeze page twice while he promotes yours once.
Techniques to Attract a Flood of New Members to Your Membership Site

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