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Squeeze Pages and List Building...Both are made for each other - Every successful online marketer knows the importance of using squeeze pages! Whether you are marketing your own products, services, affiliate programs or an ezine, you need a squeeze page. Squeeze pages can be used in many different ways! The main purpose of having a squeeze page is not only to show your prospect the benefits of what you are offering, but to help you build your opt-in list.

I'm sure you've heard the saying...the money is in your list! You build your list by creating an opt-in web-form on your squeeze page or as some call it a landing page asking for their name and email address in return for something of value to them. If your offer is enticing enough they will then enter their information and end up on your sales page. They may not buy right then, but now you have their information where you can follow up with them later, either by direct email from you or through your auto responder program. It's a known fact that most customers do not buy the first time, it may take 5, 7 or more contacts from you before they do buy what you're offering. First you need to gain their trust and build confidence with them. This is the cheapest way to lower your advertising costs! Build a large list of opt-in subscribers/customers who trust you. It's like money in the bank! One can never deny the fact that a squeeze page is very essential and crucial in this business; and that 98% of online marketers are still mastering the art of it using different techniques. Bottom line, list building is the secret to making money repeatedly without spending a single penny on advertising. Here are a few good reasons why you should be using squeeze pages in your marketing program. 1. You have to focus your attention on building your list instead of trying to make your first sale. As you get used to online marketing and you master the art of it, you will definitely proclaim that wealth is in the list, because if you don't have a list, you don't really have a business. 2. With squeeze pages you have only one target – to capture the information details of your visitor. The squeeze page is different from using a pop-up or normal opt-in form because there is a pre-requisite, you don't allow your visitor access to your website material unless they give you their name and email address including other details should you want more, but 95% of the marketers only ask for first name and email address. This of course depends on what you might need the other info for. 3. Squeeze pages can drive traffic to your site. To drive traffic to your site first you should flatter your visitors with perks and bonuses that are related to your product and their interests. Just make sure that the cost of your giveaways can fit in your budget and they must be a quality, deliverable product or service that your lead can use and benefit from. 4. A squeeze page is more likely to produce a 20% to 40% opt-in rate of the total number of net surfers who visit your site. You must provide a strong and juicy headline and show your visitors what's in it for them to tempt your visitor to leave their name and email address so that they can't wait to get to your website.
Squeeze Pages and List Building...Both are made for each other


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