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The Importance Of Efficiency When Doing Your Internet Marketing - Internet Biz Efficiency – It’s About Getting More Business, With Less Work…

Today’s internet entrepreneur has many more challenges than a decade ago. The unprecedented opportunity and potential returns that the online world provides has resulted in increased competition. Additionally, as the internet has evolved at breakneck speed we’ve seen more and more fragmentation – fragmentation of traffic sources, and that makes finding your clients even harder.

In fact, your potential customers have never been so thinly spread on the internet – and this poses a new set of challenges for us all. How can we tap into the sources of traffic that will respond to the services & products we offer? And how can we set-up a system so that we cover all bases – so that our potential clients are able to find us online?

The answer lies within the software tools that you employ within your business.

Good Software Provides Efficiency – Don’t Ignore This Because This Is The Common Trait Shared By All Successful Businesspeople

Efficiency simply means doing things much faster, without sacrificing quality. Within the context of internet business (where online marketing plays such a crucial role) efficiency will get you more traffic, leads & business than you ever dreamed possible.

So, what are the ways of maximising your efficiency online? More often than not, the secret lies in using various software, tools and applications that can just get stuff done in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take. And it’s not always just about time. Efficiency can breed all sorts of benefits for your website/biz.

Here are just some examples of how key software can play an important role in your business success:

(a) Article Marketing Is A Good Source Of Traffic, Backlinks & Publicity – Of course it is. I’ve been writing articles for years, and they continue to reward me with fresh traffic and sales on a daily basis. That’s great – but the problem is that as the internet has grown, there are now HUNDREDS of different sites to publish your article to. The number of article directories have exploded in recent times – were you to try and submit an article to them all manually, it could very well take 2 days of posting (and you may have to skip lunch).

There isn’t a reputable business expert on the planet that would suggest that this is a good investment of your time. It’s TOO much time to spend on getting just one article out there.

One of my favourite software pieces is the article submissions software – Everyday, I feed it as many articles as I want posted, and it just chugs away in the background getting the job done while I do more important things. This is an example of drop-dead critical software.

(b) Your Affiliate Links Need To Be Protected – If you’re an affiliate by nature, then you already know the importance of masking your links. There are commission pirates about who can steal your commissions, and the growing trend of commission theft can really eat into your bottom line unless you’re very careful.

The solution? Employ some software that not only masks your link but gives you key tracking information so that you know how your campaign has performed.

(c ) Identifying Potentially Good PPC Campaigns – PPC can be very much hit & miss. There’s a sophisticated little piece of kit that I use that actually analyses different PPC ads online, and tells me which of these are actually doing well. It can provide me with the type of ads and keywords that I can use adwords for with maximum effect.

(d ) Forum Marketing Can Be A Lucrative Source Of New Business – Forum marketing has so many benefits, whether you’re in the travel, marketing, real estate…or practically any niche. It’s because targeted forums are meeting places of people who are currently interested in the products/services you offer.

The downside? Many niches have 50 forums or more – it’s a logistical nightmare to keep track of all your posts, over all your forums. But good forum marketing software does it all for you from a central location.

These are just a few random examples of how good software can both save you time, while making you money – typically, I’ll invest in a good piece of software without batting an eyelid. The benefits almost always outweigh the cost by multiples.
The Importance Of Efficiency When Doing Your Internet Marketing


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