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How to Make a Better Connection with Online Users - Gone are the days when guests have to call their travel agents or wait in line in the lobby to get to you. The usual amount of time that you spend on the phone negotiating holiday deals with institutional clients is increasingly getting out of the question as well. Thanks to the mobility-driven Internet technology, online hotel booking solutions allow hoteliers to deal with guests more conveniently, quickly and cost-effectively.

But many accommodation providers still fail to see the possibility of using their websites as a platform where they can interact with their target market. This way of thinking reveals that many hoteliers are not making the best out of their online presence. If you still don’t have an idea about how to make that connection with your guests online, the operative word right now is INTERACTION.

Often, this means rolling your sleeves up and getting ready to talk and discuss things with all sorts of people online in an eye-to-eye perspective – or in your case, keyboard-to-keyboard. Doing so will boost your existing hotel internet marketing and increase your website’s conversion rate. Here are key factors that can help you connect better with your market:

1. Go for a Well-Optimized Website. Always

For the regular hotelier, it may be hard to imagine that geeky stuff like website optimization will play a pivotal role in connecting with more guests. Since the day you launch your website, website optimization should have been on top of your list. All the promises you heard from industry experts about increased occupancy via online hotel bookings and connecting with guests can only be possible if Internet users can find you in cyberspace.

How does that work? Well, search engines find that some websites are worth showing on search engine results page (SERP) more than other similar sites. Getting listed on top of the SERPs is the Holy Grail for most online businesses. And the best way to get there is through a well-optimized website. In a nutshell, the more enhanced your hotel website is, the better your position will be on search engine listings and the more visitors will be able to find your site and interact with you.

2. Get into the Mobile Market Fast

Getting in touch with the mobile market is the wave of the future. As cellular phone technology continues to advance and the price for smart phones are becoming more affordable, expect that mobile phones will become an important hotel Internet marketing platform where you can connect with more potential guests. In fact, websites are now being tweaked for functionality in mobile phones. The best thing about the mobile market is the fact that anyone with a mobile phone carries it with him all the time, and that’s one step to accessibility that laptops and desktop PCs just can’t do.

3. Gain from Social Media

If there is one thing about Internet marketing that’s hot right now, it’s social media. Essentially, it serves as a tool where web users are able to take part in online discussions about anything under the sun. For businesses, particularly for accommodation providers, that means being able to engage people in conversations that involve their products and services. By tapping into social media as part of your hotel internet marketing, you can foster trust and enhance guest loyalty. Think of social media as a way to collaborate with your guests in building your business.

There are other components that can help you better connect with Internet users. But you can start off with the ones mentioned above. Always remember that interaction is a two-way street, meaning your guests and other users can talk back, and that makes for a more interesting hotel Internet marketing.
How to Make a Better Connection with Online Users

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