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Anatomy of Search Engine Marketing - Search Engine Marketing, popularly known as SEM in ITES world is a well known term now. Now, almost everybody is aware with use of Search Engine Marketing. In Search Engine Marketing, there is nothing different than conventional marketing. Here also you have to target promoting your services and products in front of your potential global customers or customers from a particular society segment. But here the marketing or communication medium is the internet only.

There are different sections of Search Engine Marketing, but the ultimate goal of every segment is the advertizing and promotion of your products. Once the products are popular, you only need to sell them. The advantages of using Search Engine Marketing campaigns are numerous. The most popular segments of Search Engine Marketing are Search Engine Optimizations, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), and Cost-Per-Click (CPC).

The primary stage of search engine marketing is Search Engine Optimization, which is nothing but a process of getting your websites on top of search results in popular search engines for given keywords that are most relevant to the website and the targeted potential customer base. Search Engine Optimization involves two main steps:

1. On Page Optimization 2. Off – Page Optimization

Both the processes are meant to provide maximum possible ranks for the website in sight of Google. On-page optimization works on code level of websites. It fixes all the problems occurred at website development and design level. It also removes all the unwanted code elements like scripts from the website and makes them accessible outside the code page. In brief On Page Optimization helps in making websites User friendly.

Once the on page optimization of websites is over, off-page optimization comes in action. Off page optimization is only promotion of websites via various online sources. It spreads positive words for a particular websites in front of its potential customers. It also helps in getting quality back links all over the internet.

PPC & CPC are meant to promote business or products by paying for all clicks associated with websites. It is like direct marketing expense for getting businesses. However, one should remember one more thing that is only perfect optimization plan and implementation and not enough to rank your websites permanently in search engines. You need to have relevant contents on your website matching with your products, keywords or intended areas of your potential customers.
Anatomy of Search Engine Marketing

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