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Adsense Templates - Do They Really Work? - Adsense templates are web pages that are pre-designed for you with adsense ads. A good template should have the adsense placed in high click areas and know when to use ad links instead of the normal adsense ad block.

There are many free and paid templates on the web that you can download. Be careful with both options because you could end up with a poor quality template instead of one that is of high quality. Lets breakdown each form of adsense templates.

Low quality adsense templates

Here are 3 things to look out for in low quality adsense templates.

1. Very limited in what customization can be done if any at all. A lot of the times with these free templates, if you try and add or change something you end up pushing something out of place and messing something up. This is usually because that template was designed with dozens of photoshop image ready slices.

2. Most of these templates are poorly optimized. Most of the templates have incorrect placement of the ads, incorrect sizes and style of ads to make sure that you get a high click thru rate.

3. Poor quality - You might be getting a whole package of templates but the sites all have the same header graphic with just the title being changed.

High quality adsense templates

Obviously these templates will have the opposite features of the low quality templates and offer more than just a template.

Here are 3 things to look for in high quality adsense templates

1. Easy customization - clean html code which means that you can add or change anything you want and they will still work perfectly.

2. Well optimized - designed with adsense and the capability to add other forms of income streams. uses the proper ad blocks, ad links and are placed for maximum clicks. You know they are well optimized because they have tested the ads and placement. They show you how they tested these elements and why the ads and what type of ads are place where they are.

3. Well made templates - header graphics and color schemes are different for each template. There was thought and effort that went into the design of the template.

High quality templates usually come with instructions on how to add your google adsense account in the code, how to edit the templates for customization and show you how to generate traffic so you can actually earn an income.

So to answer the question at the begining of this article, do adsense templates really work? The answer is yes, if you have a high quality template. These templates usually cost some money on your part, but it will be money well spent because of the headaches you will avoid with free or low quality templates.

Now you know that you need high quality adsense templates-wouldn't you like to get your own package of high quality instant adsense templates? Start earning your google adsense income today.
Adsense Templates - Do They Really Work?


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