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4 Blogging Tools You need to make money online - People would have been wondering how they can make money with their blogs. Everybody is concentrating only on google adsense. No this is not right. Infact, some have had their google adsense account terminated for reasons best known to google. It is not good keeping your eggs in one basket. I am going to be giving you some of the things you can use to monetize your own web site or blog all for free. 1. Tex-Link-Ads: Text Link Ad is an Intext advertising program that you use to monetize your blog or site. This is one of the best ways to sell adspace on your site. It is free to join. For you to qualitfy here, you will need to sign up for free, add your site and get the code. You can sell intext ads here or have an affiliate link that you will use in refering others to the program. You can also sell rss feeds on your site or feeds. To get your free Text Link Ads right away and advertise on your blog or site and make money, click the image below 2. Bidvertiser: Bidvertiser Will pay you for selling adspace on your site.

All you have to do here is to sign up with bivertiser, own your site and sell adlinks or become an affiliate. You can either use this to advertise your products or site cheap or become a publisher. A publisher is a blog or site owner who want to make money by selling adlinks on their sites. There is no fee to be paid. Just sign up here 3. : If you are looking for how to sell your product using your blog and linking it to a social bookmarking site where any one can help you to promote your procducts as your affiliate or you are just looking for how to make money promoting other people’s product as their affiliate, then one of the easiest ways to do this is by signing up with and taking up affiliate programs you want top promote. This site uses the power of web 2.0. here you learn and earn. To sign up for free .

4. Obeus is a pay per click alternative for people who are looking for pay per click monetization of their sites with e-gold payment options and they are sure to be paid once their earnings come up to $20 straight to their e-gold. there are individuals that provide you with ways to make money online, and its legitimate. I finally found it. You can check This Opportunity which is based on setting a blogsite up for you and helping you get started with ways to make money online.
4 Blogging Tools You need to make money online


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