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10 Things To Consider To Improve Your SEO - 1. First thing is the keywords research - It is a 2 way process. Doesn’t matter if you have a website and you have to find the best keywords for you or if you want to find a good niche to build a website on, keyword research is very important. We’ll consider the first case. So .. take your time to analyse your website and discover what are your best keywords, the ones that describe you in the best way. If you don’t know how to do that, you can use one of the many tools existing on the internet.

2. Get some good materials to help you working on your seo - find some good resources, free or paid (doesn’t matter as long as they help you). A good free “resources center” it’s I learned a lot of things from there.

3. Make sure your website isn’t a total mess - it has to be easy to read and crawl by the search engine robots. So you have to make sure you are using new technologies like CSS or web 2.0 features, sitemaps, etc

Check the rest 7 SEO tips on our blog at Bloggers Guide To Profits
10 Things To Consider To Improve Your SEO


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